Dental Assistant Continuing Education Courses Online Free
Learning a specialization in any field is important to maintain a relevant and productive life. It helps one to find their niche in society when they have laser focused their knowledge in a specific study.
There are 65 dental school programs today in the united states. Within these, as you might think, there are many different programs offered in the said field. It is important to understand all the different facets that go into dental hygiene and why each one is important. Let’s focus on a few of the major topics including:
Periodontics. This is where one would go for severe tooth root and periodontal gum disease treatment. A regular santa clarita dentist deals with everyday dental health, so a periodontist
would be the choice for the more severe periodontal medical cases.
Maxillofacial Surgeon. If an accident trauma patient is in need of jaw realignment or any facial or skull reconstruction, a specialized maxillofacial surgeon would be the
professional to see
Endodontics. This is a special therapy focusing on the root of the tooth to help remove unwanted pulp that may have a cause for concern. A cracked tooth is an example
of what endodontics may focus on.
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. The straightening, aligning, and fixing of teeth for cosmetic and health driven reasons. This is the area of study where one
would find out about braces, retainers, and other instruments used in dental realignments.
Oral Pathology and Microbiology. This is the study of the microbes and bacteria that cause tooth decay and/or gum disease. This is a basic course and concept required
by almost any dental college to understand how to fight pathogens that they may encounter in dental patients.
Community and Preventative Dentistry. This is a preventative communal population approach to dentistry. Mostly raising the education level in large groups of people on general dental
hygiene. Many far east countries prefer this method due to the dense populations.
Pedodontics and Pediatric Dentistry. Deals with dental treatment for children and infants.
Diagnosis and Radiology. A professional specializing if radiology would be the one who takes the x-rays of the patients teeth; usually covering the patient with a specialized vest
to prevent unwanted radiation effecting the patients body. It is very important in seeing a diagnosis not easily seen with the naked eye.
Prosthodontics. The replacement of teeth, implants, and general dental prosthesis belongs to this field. It’s the … Read the rest